Always onto the next thing

Thing with this writing lark, no matter how pleased you are with a book, or how excited you get about cover art, releases etc, you are always thinking about the next thing. Since being picked up for Pulp Line, Jade Amulet has had quite a quick turn around. In spite of that I have already submitted a novella for consideration for the line and have a Cash & Tango novella waiting to go off once  I know where we are with the current submission. I’m already moving on to the next thing.  It never stops. It’s a little exhausting. I don’t know how people focus on one thing for 100,000 words quite frankly.

Anyway, all that said, things don’t stand still with Pulp Line either, No’s 2 and 3 in Pulp line have had their cover reveals.

I think they look pretty great


No 4 also looks amazing

and here’s Jade in case you’ve forgotten what it looked like since the last post.

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2,

Thought it was time I carved out a little space in theworld for myself with the book coming out soon. While I’m getting settled here you can check out my series of guest posts over at Anachron Press (my ever patient publisher). There are two up so far and a few more to come before the release. They include a couple of survivor stories from the Last Broadcast and more of those will go up here in the next few weeks as well.


You can also follow me on twitter, not that I say a great deal of anything. @calicoandcat